Last Epoch Skills

All the skills in Last Epoch.


Rip Blood
Rips blood out of a target enemy dealing physical damage to it. An orb of the blood is drawn back to you, restoring 10 health when it reaches you.
Mana Cost:3
Cooldown:0 seconds
Summon Skeleton
Summons a skeleton warrior or skeleton archer to guard you. You are limited to 3 skeletons at a time.
Mana Cost:15
Cooldown:0 seconds
Unlocked at level:
Marrow Shards
Fires sharpened bones from your body. The bones pierce through enemies inflicting physical damage. Instead of mana, 9% of your current health is consumed to cast this spell.
Mana Cost:0
Cooldown:0 seconds
Unlocked at level:
Wandering Spirits
Reveals wandering spirits around you for 6 seconds. The spirits wander at random dealing necrotic damage over time to enemies they pass through.
4 spirits are revealed immediately after casting the skill and 13 more are revealed over the next 6 seconds.
The spirits individually last up to 4 seconds, but all remaining spirits fade once the reveal duration ends.
Mana Cost:31
Cooldown:13 seconds
Unlocked at level:
A melee attack that hits all enemies in an area in front of you, dealing double damage to those that are Cursed.
Mana Cost:0
Cooldown:0 seconds
Unlocked at level:
Bone Curse
Apply a curse to enemies in an area for 8 seconds that causes physical damage when hit. The damage is tripled if you inflicted the hit yourself.
Mana Cost:16
Cooldown:0 seconds
Unlocked at level:
Creates a new body for you at the target location, then detonates your old body to deal physical damage to enemies around it.
Instead of mana, 13% of your current health is consumed to cast this spell.
Mana Cost:0
Cooldown:5 seconds
Unlocked at level:
Summon Volatile Zombie
Summons a Volatile Zombie which trudges towards the nearest enemy. When it reaches an enemy or dies, it explodes dealing physical and fire damage to surrounding enemies.
Mana Cost:16
Cooldown:0 seconds
Unlocked at level:


Hungering Souls
Calls forth five hungering souls that seeks out enemies, on hit they deal necrotic damage and then possesses the target.
Possessed enemies take necrotic damage over time for 1.5 seconds. Enemies cannot be possessed by multiple souls at once.
Mana Cost:11
Cooldown:0 seconds
Unlocked after spending 5 Points.
Summon Bone Golem
Summons a bone golem, which attacks slowly, but has a 15% chance to retaliate with Bone Shatter when hit.
Mana Cost:60
Cooldown:10 seconds
Unlocked after spending 10 Points.
Spirit Plague
Curses a target with a powerful necrotic damage over time effect which lasts 3 seconds. Spreads to a single nearby target on target death.
Mana Cost:3
Cooldown:0 seconds
Unlocked after spending 15 Points.
Infernal Shade
Target enemy and all nearby enemies take fire damage per second. Each enemy can only have one Infernal Shade attached at a time. Expires after 5 seconds. Max 4 active shades.
Mana Cost:14
Cooldown:0 seconds
Unlocked after spending 20 Points.


Summon Wraith
Summons a wraith that rapidly fades from this world, but will seek and attack your foes while it remains.
Mana Cost:20
Cooldown:0 seconds
Summon Skeletal Mage
Summons a Skeletal Mage to assist you. You are limited to 2 Skeletal Mages at a time. Skeletal Mages cast Dread Bolt, which has 150% added damage effectiveness and has a 50% chance to apply Damned on hit.
Mana Cost:27
Cooldown:0 seconds
Unlocked after spending 5 Points.
Rips apart an allied minion, dealing physical damage to enemies around it. Added damage applies at double effectiveness.
Mana Cost:25
Cooldown:0 seconds
Unlocked after spending 10 Points.
Dread Shade
Your minion's health is drained for 3% of its max health per second for each second the shade has been active, but it and your minions around it deal +10 necrotic damage with spells and attacks and have 50% increased necrotic damage.
Mana Cost:30
Cooldown:0 seconds
Unlocked after spending 30 Points.
Assemble Abomination
Hold ability key to channel to absorb minions in a moderate area. When you release, summon a single hulking abomination with added health and more damage per minion absorbed. The abomination's health decays increasingly fast over time.
Mana Cost:65
Cooldown:3 seconds
Unlocked after spending 40 Points.


Reaper Form
Take on the mantle of death itself and transform into a Reaper, temporarily gaining the Reap ability.
While in Reaper Form, your health regen does not apply and your health decays over time. When your health reaches 0 instead of dying you transform back to human form and are healed to full health.
Mana Cost:0
Cooldown:20 seconds
Drain Life
Channelled spell that targets up to 3 enemies around the target location, dealing necrotic damage over time and leeching 30% of that damage back as health.
You have no mana regen while channelling.
Mana Cost:5
Cooldown:0.8 seconds
Unlocked after spending 5 Points.
Aura Of Decay
Toggles aura of decay, which poisons you every second, and leaves a trail of decay. Enemies near you or in the trail are poisoned four times a second, and your chance to poison on hit applies to each of these instances at 25% effectiveness.
While aura of decay is active you take 50% less poison damage.
Mana Cost:0
Cooldown:1 seconds
Unlocked after spending 10 Points.
Death Seal
Toggle to remove all ward and seal your health, preventing it from going above its current value for 5 seconds. Deal more damage equal to your percent missing health and take less damage equal to half your percent missing health.
Reactivate to unleash a wave of death dealing damage based on how long Death Seal has been active and your current percent missing health.
Mana Cost:1
Cooldown:5 seconds
Unlocked after spending 30 Points.


Chthonic Fissure
Opens an infernal fissure in the ground, dealing fire damage over time to enemies on top of it, as well as releasing {Spirits} from the fissure that seek nearby enemies. These spirits inflict enemies with {Torment}, a {Curse} that slows and deals necrotic damage over time.
Max 1 active fissure.
Mana Cost:45
Cooldown:0 seconds
Chaos Bolts
A barrage of chaotic projectiles which land in an area around the target. The explosions deal necrotic and fire damage in a small area.
Mana Cost:10
Cooldown:0 seconds
Unlocked after spending 5 Points.
Channel to releases a continuous jet of horrid flames in front of you dealing fire and necrotic damage over time.
You have no mana regen while channelling.
Mana Cost:5
Cooldown:0.8 seconds
Unlocked after spending 15 Points.
Soul Feast
Feasts on the souls of {Cursed} enemies, dealing necrotic damage to them, and drawing fragments of their souls back to you. The soul fragments each grant 3 ward when they reach you.
Feasts on up to 13 enemies, prioritising those closest to you.
Mana Cost:17
Cooldown:0 seconds
Unlocked after spending 30 Points.
Profane Veil
Channel to conceal yourself within a Profane Veil that deals necrotic damage over time to enemies around you. While concealed you dodge every Hit, but you can still take damage from damage over time effects, such as ailments, and you move more slowly.
Last for up to 2 seconds (also ends when you release the key). Cooldown does not recover during use.
Mana Cost:25
Cooldown:10 seconds
Unlocked after spending 35 Points.


Lightning Blast
Hurl a bolt of lightning at the target
Mana Cost:3
Cooldown:0 seconds
Cast a ball of fire towards the target. Has 40% chance to ignite on hit. Added spell damage applies at 125% effectiveness.
Mana Cost:3
Cooldown:0 seconds
Unlocked at level:
Snap Freeze
Freezes enemies in a cone in front of you. Freeze lasts for 2 seconds.
20% of remaining cooldown recovered whenever you freeze an enemy, including with Snap Freeze itself. This effect can occur a maximum of two times each second.
Mana Cost:30
Cooldown:18 seconds
Unlocked at level:
Elemental Nova
Casts a nova around you that deals fire, cold and lightning damage.
All types of Elemental Nova that you have enabled have an equal chance to be cast.
Mana Cost:11
Cooldown:0 seconds
Unlocked at level:
Mana Strike
A melee attack that hits all enemies in an area in front of you, returning 15 mana if it hits an enemy.
Deals 15 base lightning damage.
Mana Cost:0
Cooldown:0 seconds
Unlocked at level:
Flame Ward
Grants a burst of 400 ward. Then for 3 seconds, hits deal 30% less damage to you and cause a retaliatory burst of flames.
Mana Cost:25
Cooldown:15 seconds
Unlocked at level:
Teleport to target location.
Mana Cost:28
Cooldown:5 seconds
Unlocked at level:
Frost Claw
Three projectiles arc to the target location to create a burst of frost. Added spell damage applies to the burst at 100% effectiveness and it has a freeze rate of 40.
Mana Cost:12
Cooldown:0 seconds
Unlocked at level:
Static charges up as you move or when you get hit. Activate Static to discharge what you have built up, striking up to 5 nearby enemies with lightning.
100 charges maximum. Deals 4% more damage per charge.
Mana Cost:15
Cooldown:4 seconds
Unlocked at level:


Creates three successively larger ice explosions in the target direction. Each explosion deals more damage than the last.
Mana Cost:65
Cooldown:0 seconds
Unlocked after spending 5 Points.
Channel to create a beam of pure energy in the target direction. The beam deals fire and lightning damage to all enemies caught in it.
You have no mana regen while channelling.
Mana Cost:5
Cooldown:0.8 seconds
Unlocked after spending 10 Points.
Volcanic Orb
Casts a fiery orb that spews burning shrapnel in all directions.
Mana Cost:70
Cooldown:3.03 seconds
Unlocked after spending 15 Points.
Hold ability key to channel. While channelling you have 100% increased mana regen and gain 10 ward per second. After channelling for exactly one second you gain a burst of 40 mana and ward.
Mana Cost:0
Cooldown:4 seconds
Unlocked after spending 20 Points.


Call a meteor from the sky that deals a large amount of damage upon landing. Added damage is applied at 900% effectiveness.
Mana Cost:56
Cooldown:0 seconds
Static Orb
Casts an orb in a target direction that deals lightning damage and pulls enemies that it hits towards it as it travels. At the target location it explodes, dealing lightning damage to enemies surrounding it and also striking up to 5 enemies further out. The further it travels the higher the damage and area of effect of the explosion, up to 100%.
Mana Cost:38
Cooldown:0 seconds
Unlocked after spending 5 Points.
Ice Barrage
Opens a rift that repeatedly shoots a barrage of ice shards in a target direction for 5 seconds.
Mana Cost:50
Cooldown:3 seconds
Unlocked after spending 15 Points.
Arcane Ascendance
Toggle to prevent movement and drain 25 mana each second. Mana drain increases by 1 mana per second. All spells cost +5 mana to cast. 100% increased spell damage and 50% increased cast speed. Also deals lightning damage over time to surrounding enemies.
Mana Cost:1
Cooldown:5 seconds
Unlocked after spending 30 Points.
Black Hole
Summon a powerful black hole at target location that aggressively pulls enemies and deals cold damage over time to enemies within its reach.
Mana Cost:35
Cooldown:14 seconds
Unlocked after spending 40 Points.


Shatter Strike
A sweeping melee attack that strikes enemies in a circle around you dealing cold damage and instantly kills frozen enemies below 100 health.
Mana Cost:15
Cooldown:0 seconds
Flame Reave
A melee attack that release a wave of flames from your weapon cleaving through enemies in a cone infront of you. Deals up to 50% less damage to distant enemies.
Deals 16 additional base fire damage. Other added melee damage applies at 160% effectiveness.
Mana Cost:26
Cooldown:0 seconds
Unlocked after spending 5 Points.
Enchant Weapon
Active: Enchant your weapon with elemental power. Your melee attacks deal 50% more elemental damage for 5 seconds.
Passive: Your melee attacks deal 15% more elemental damage.
Mana Cost:20
Cooldown:15 seconds
Unlocked after spending 15 Points.
A melee attack which grants you a stack of Firebrand buff if it hits an enemy. Each stack of the Firebrand buff increases the size of subsequent Firebrand attacks and adds melee fire damage.
Mana Cost:0
Cooldown:0 seconds
Unlocked after spending 30 Points.
Quick fixed distance dash which hits all enemies in the path with a lightning melee attack.
Mana Cost:25
Cooldown:4 seconds
Unlocked after spending 40 Points.


Runic Invocation
{Passive:} Whenever you directly use an elemental skill, gain 1 {Rune} of the corresponding element. For channelled skills you gain 1 rune per second instead.
{Active:} Consume all of your active {Runes} to cast a unique {Invocation} based on the combination and order of runes consumed.
The last {Rune} in the sequence determines the damage type.
Casting a fire skill grants a {Rah Rune}. Casting a lightning skill grants a {Gon Rune}. Casting a cold skill grants a {Heo Rune}.
Mana Cost:15
Cooldown:0 seconds
Flame Rush
You turn into a ball of flame and launch yourself in the target direction. The longer you hold down the key, the slower you move, but the larger and more damaging the explosion is when you stop channeling. You take 40% less damage during Flame Rush.
Mana Cost:22
Cooldown:3.5 seconds
Unlocked after spending 5 Points.
Frost Wall
Creates a wall of frost which persists for 6 seconds. Enemies inside the wall take cold damage over time and receive a stack of chill every 0.25 seconds. You can have up to 1 active Frost Wall at a time.
Enemies that reach the wall at least 0.2 seconds after it's been created are frozen for twice as long as the wall has existed, up to a 2 second freeze duration. Bosses cannot be frozen in this way.
Mana Cost:35
Cooldown:0 seconds
Unlocked after spending 15 Points.
A combo spell that fires piercing projectiles. The first part of the combo is fire, the second is lightning, and the third is cold.
Mana Cost:3
Cooldown:0 seconds
Unlocked after spending 30 Points.
Glyph of Dominion
Places a lightning glyph on the ground that grows over time. Deals lightning damage over time and slows in its area. At full size it detonates, dealing large amounts of lightning damage to enemies within its area. You can have a maximum of one Glyph at a time by default.
Mana Cost:30
Cooldown:0 seconds
Unlocked after spending 35 Points.


Summon Wolf
Summons a primal wolf that follows you into combat. When its health drops to 0 it is downed, and you can stand near it to revive it.
While you have are at your maximum number of wolves, the ability is replaced with {Howl}.
The wolf counts as a companion. You can have a maximum of two companions at once by default.
Mana Cost:48
Cooldown:4 seconds
Gathering Storm
Strike at your enemy with a mighty lightning powered storm. When you use Gathering Storm and hit at least one enemy, you gain a {Storm Stack}. Every second you expend a Storm Stack to cause a {Storm Bolt} to strike a nearby enemy. This interval is reduced by 2% for every stack you currently have.
Mana Cost:0
Cooldown:0 seconds
Unlocked at level:
Fury Leap
Leap to the target location, dealing damage to nearby enemies when you hit the ground.
Mana Cost:20
Cooldown:6 seconds
Unlocked at level:
Summon Thorn Totem
Summons a totem that fires thorns at nearby enemies. You can have a maximum of two thorn totems by default.
Mana Cost:18
Cooldown:0 seconds
Unlocked at level:
A melee attack that hits all enemies in an area in front of you. Unaffected by weapon range.
Mana Cost:0
Cooldown:0 seconds
Unlocked at level:
Tempest Strike
A melee combo attack that cycles through a cold strike, a physical strike, and a lightning strike that trigger elemental {Tempest} spells of the same damage type if the strikes hit at least one enemy.
Cold strike: Triggers a {Frigid Tempest}, which is a cold projectile that pierces through enemies. Physical strike: Triggers a {Wind Tempest}, which is a small twister that lasts a short duration dealing physical damage per over time. Lightning strike: Triggers a {Thunder Tempest}, which is an expanding storm of lightning bolts.
Mana Cost:16
Cooldown:0 seconds
Unlocked at level:
Surrounds you with a freezing Maelstrom that deals cold damage over time to nearby enemies.
Can be cast repeatedly to create multiple maelstroms at once. Each Maelstrom lasts 7 seconds.
Mana Cost:17
Cooldown:0 seconds
Unlocked at level:
Sunders the ground in a line in front of you, dealing damage to enemies along the path. Has 135% added damage effectiveness.
Mana Cost:10
Cooldown:0 seconds
Unlocked at level:


Eterra's Blessing
The nearest allied target is healed for 100 health. If the target is one of your minions then the healing is tripled and the minion is energised for 4 seconds, increasing its size by 20% and its damage by 100%.
Mana Cost:32
Cooldown:0 seconds
Unlocked after spending 5 Points.
Unleash a mighty roar that knocks back nearby enemies and stuns them for 1.5 seconds. Rares and bosses are stunned for half as long.
Mana Cost:24
Cooldown:10 seconds
Unlocked after spending 10 Points.
Summon Storm Crows
Summons Storm Crows up to your companion limit. The Storm Crow casts spells from a distance. When its health drops to 0 it is downed, and you can stand near it to revive it.
The Storm Crow counts as a companion. You can have a maximum of two companions at once by default.
Mana Cost:36
Cooldown:4 seconds
Unlocked after spending 15 Points.
Serpent Strike
Requires a spear.
A melee attack with 140% poison chance.
Poisons inflicted by serpent strike last 40% longer.
Mana Cost:0
Cooldown:0 seconds
Unlocked after spending 20 Points.


Summon Raptor
Summons a primal raptor that ferociously attacks your enemies. When its health drops to 0 it is downed, and you can stand near it to revive it.
The raptor counts as a companion. You can have a maximum of two companions at once by default.
Mana Cost:60
Cooldown:4 seconds
Summon Bear
Summons a primal bear that follows you into combat. When its health drops to 0 it is downed, and you can stand near it to revive it.
The bear counts as a companion. You can have a maximum of two companions at once by default.
Mana Cost:60
Cooldown:4 seconds
Unlocked after spending 5 Points.
Summon Scorpion
Summons a scorpion that follows you into combat. Its attacks with its tails inflict a long lasting poison. When its health drops to 0 it is downed, and you can stand near it to revive it.
The scorpion counts as a companion. You can have a maximum of two companions at once by default.
Mana Cost:70
Cooldown:4 seconds
Unlocked after spending 15 Points.
Summon Frenzy Totem
Summons a totem that grants Frenzy to all nearby allies. Frenzy increases attack and cast speed by 20%.
Mana Cost:18
Cooldown:6 seconds
Unlocked after spending 25 Points.
Summon Sabertooth
Summons a primal sabertooth cat that leaps into combat. When its health drops to 0 it is downed, and you can stand near it to revive it.
The sabertooth cat counts as a companion. You can have a maximum of two companions at once by default.
Mana Cost:60
Cooldown:4 seconds
Unlocked after spending 35 Points.


Summon Storm Totem
Summons a totem that casts lightning storms around nearby enemies.
Storm totems last 8 seconds, and you cannot control more than 1 at once.
Mana Cost:20
Cooldown:3 seconds
Conjures a tornado that moves at random, pulling in nearby enemies and dealing physical damage to them.
Mana Cost:25
Cooldown:0 seconds
Unlocked after spending 5 Points.
Slam the ground with your weapon damaging enemies in a large area and creating 2 to 4 aftershocks nearby.
Mana Cost:50
Cooldown:0 seconds
Unlocked after spending 15 Points.
Channel to summon the might of winter and pummel your foes in ice and snow.
You have no mana regen while channelling. Initial mana cost cannot be reduced below 1.
Mana Cost:1
Cooldown:0 seconds
Unlocked after spending 25 Points.


Werebear Form
Transform into a ferocious werebear, increasing your physical capabilities and gaining 4 new abilities.
Your mana is replaced with Rage while in werebear form. When your Rage reaches 0 you automatically transform back into your human form. Your starting Rage is equal to your maximum mana. Rage slowly decays over time at a constant rate.
Mana Cost:0
Cooldown:6 seconds
Spriggan Form
Transform into a forest spriggan, increasing your spell casting capabilities, and gaining 4 new abilities.
Your mana is replaced with Rage while in spriggan form. When your Rage reaches 0 you automatically transform back into your human form. Your starting Rage is equal to your maximum mana. Rage slowly decays over time at a constant rate.
Mana Cost:0
Cooldown:6 seconds
Unlocked after spending 5 Points.
Summon Spriggan
Summon a spriggan that casts spells to attack your enemies and has an aura that restores 10 health every second. When its health drops to 0 it is downed, and you can stand near it to revive it.
The spriggan counts as a companion. You can have a maximum of two companions at once by default.
Mana Cost:70
Cooldown:4 seconds
Unlocked after spending 15 Points.
Swarmblade Form
Transform into an agile Swarmblade, increasing your melee capabilities, and gaining 4 new abilities.
Your mana is replaced with Rage while in swarmblade form. When your Rage reaches 0 you automatically transform back into your human form. Your starting Rage is equal to your maximum mana. Rage slowly decays over time at a constant rate.
Mana Cost:0
Cooldown:6 seconds
Unlocked after spending 25 Points.
Entangling Roots
Call forth a wave of roots that grows outwards in a wide cone in front of you. The wave deals physical damage and roots enemies it hits for 1.5 seconds. Rooted enemies take physical damage over time until they are freed.
Added spell damage applies at 100% to the initial hit and 200% per second to the damage over time.
Mana Cost:40
Cooldown:0 seconds
Unlocked after spending 35 Points.


A bow or melee attack that performs 3 rapid strikes. The last strike can be cancelled by moving.
Mana Cost:0
Cooldown:0 seconds
Throw 3 shurikens in a cone.
Mana Cost:3
Cooldown:0 seconds
Unlocked at level:
Dash a short fixed distance in the target direction.
Mana Cost:25
Cooldown:3.5 seconds
Unlocked at level:
Acid Flask
Throw a flask of acid that explodes dealing physical damage on impact, poisoning enemies and reducing their armor.
Mana Cost:10
Cooldown:0 seconds
Unlocked at level:
An extended melee stab or piercing bow attack that has a 30% chance to inflict bleed on hit. Bleeds inflicted by puncture have 30% increased duration.
Mana Cost:0
Cooldown:0 seconds
Unlocked at level:
Cinder Strike
Melee or bow combo with three attacks. The first attack also creates a fiery explosion, damaging nearby enemies.
Mana Cost:0
Cooldown:0 seconds
Unlocked at level:
Umbral Blades
A combo ability that throws 2 blades, then 4 blades, then recalls all blades in the ground back to you, hitting enemies along the way.
An enemy can be hit by multiple blades from the same throw and by multiple blades from the recall.
Shadows using Umbral Blades always throw a single Shadow Blade that deals 300% more damage and has 100% increased radius.
Only the first part of the combo costs mana.
Mana Cost:12
Cooldown:0 seconds
Unlocked at level:


Smoke Bomb
Drop a Smoke Bomb at your feet that blinds enemies and grants you haste while you remain inside it. The Smoke Bomb grows in size over its duration. Lasts 4 seconds.
Mana Cost:21
Cooldown:10 seconds
Unlocked after spending 5 Points.
Throw a device to create a Decoy that taunts enemies around it for 2.5 seconds before exploding.
Mana Cost:40
Cooldown:14 seconds
Unlocked after spending 10 Points.
Summons a ballista that fires bolts at nearby enemies.
Mana Cost:44
Cooldown:0 seconds
Unlocked after spending 15 Points.


Dancing Strikes
Requires dual wielding.
A series of fast dash attacks. Dancing Strikes' movement does not scale with attack speed, but Dancing Strikes deals 1% more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) per 3% increased attack speed.
Mana Cost:3
Cooldown:0.7 seconds
Shadow Cascade
Requires dual wielding.
A circular attack that's also used by your shadow clones.
Mana Cost:15
Cooldown:0 seconds
Unlocked after spending 5 Points.
Synchronized Strike
Requires a melee weapon.
Jump forward and strike in an area in front of you while shadows appear and simultaneously strike on either side of you.
Mana Cost:40
Cooldown:1 seconds
Unlocked after spending 10 Points.
Lethal Mirage
Become immune for a duration and rapidly strike nearby targets with 6 mirages.
Mana Cost:45
Cooldown:10 seconds
Unlocked after spending 30 Points.


Detonating Arrow
Requires a bow.
Fires an arrow that embeds itself in a target then explodes after 0.6 seconds.
Added bow damage applies to the arrow at 125% effectiveness and to the explosion at 200% effectiveness.
Mana Cost:8
Cooldown:0 seconds
Requires a bow.
A bow attack that fires a cone of 5 arrows in the target direction. Aiming the cursor further from your character reduces the spread.
Mana Cost:8
Cooldown:0 seconds
Unlocked after spending 5 Points.
Dark Quiver
Requires a bow.
Summons 7 Black Arrows that rain from the sky over 4 seconds, granting 100% increased damage to your next bow attack when retrieved.
Mana Cost:20
Cooldown:6 seconds
Unlocked after spending 15 Points.
Hail of Arrows
Requires a bow.
Launch a hail of arrows into the sky that rain down on the target location over 3.5 seconds. Added bow damage is applied at 325% effectiveness per second.
Mana Cost:55
Cooldown:2 seconds
Unlocked after spending 30 Points.


Passive: Summons a {Falcon} that fights with you.
Active: {Falcon Strikes}: The {Falcon} rapidly hits many enemies in the target area.
Mana Cost:48
Cooldown:0 seconds
Explosive Trap
Throws a trap that explodes when triggered, dealing throwing fire damage. Traps take 0.4 seconds to arm and explode when enemies walk over them or after 30s.
You can have a maximum of 6 active traps at a time.
Mana Cost:8
Cooldown:0 seconds
Unlocked after spending 5 Points.
Leaps backwards and throws a net which snares enemies and deals physical damage. Netted bosses and rare enemies have 35% less movement speed, and other enemies are immobilized.
Mana Cost:6
Cooldown:0 seconds
Unlocked after spending 15 Points.
Aerial Assault
You leap towards the target and your {Falcon} dives to catch you and momentarily carry you further, before it flies up and unleashes a {Wing Burst} at the target location.
Mana Cost:6
Cooldown:4 seconds
Unlocked after spending 30 Points.
Dive Bomb
Your {Falcon} ascends high into the sky then dive bombs the target location at high speed, dealing a high amount of physical damage to enemies in the area.
Mana Cost:12
Cooldown:5 seconds
Unlocked after spending 35 Points.


A melee attack that also prepares you to riposte incoming hits.
If vengeance successfully hits an enemy and you take a hit in the next 2 seconds you will riposte, taking 25% less damage and striking at a nearby enemy.
Mana Cost:0
Cooldown:0 seconds
Spin towards the mouse while you hold down the ability key, striking nearby enemies as you move.
Mana Cost:1
Cooldown:0.5 seconds
Unlocked at level:
Hammer Throw
Throws a hammer that returns to you after a short delay.
Added Throwing Damage is applied to each hit at 105% effectiveness.
Mana Cost:3
Cooldown:0 seconds
Unlocked at level:
Dash to a nearby enemy and strike it with your weapon. Cannot be used without a target. Costs more mana the further away the target is.
Mana Cost:8
Cooldown:4 seconds
Unlocked at level:
A combo of three melee attacks. Every third consecutive attack with Rive slashes in a full circle around the character, dealing double damage.
Mana Cost:0
Cooldown:0 seconds
Unlocked at level:
Shield Bash
Requires a shield.
A melee directional attack that stuns enemies for 1 second. 100% increased stun duration against non-boss enemies.
1.5% more damage per 1% block chance (up to 150%, multiplicative with other modifiers).
Mana Cost:9
Cooldown:10 seconds
Unlocked at level:
Hurl a javelin that pierces through every enemy in its path.
If you have a spear equipped added melee damage from the spear applies to Javelin as added throwing damage at 30% of its normal value. Added melee damage from other sources has no effect.
Added throwing damage applies at 180% effectiveness.
Mana Cost:9
Cooldown:0 seconds
Unlocked at level:
Void Cleave
Requires a 2-handed sword or axe.
A melee attack that hits all enemies in an area in front of you. Can be echoed by Void Knights. Unaffected by weapon range.
Mana Cost:15
Cooldown:4 seconds
Unlocked at level:


Hold ability key to channel for up to 2 seconds. You take 80% less damage while channelling.
When you stop channelling the barrier breaks dealing physical damage to all nearby enemies. This deals 20 additional physical damage for each hit you received while channelling.
Mana Cost:0
Cooldown:8 seconds
Unlocked after spending 5 Points.
Shield Rush
Requires a shield.
Charge through enemies in the target direction until you release the ability key. You hit enemies in your path and in a wider area at the end of the movement. You do not regenerate mana while rushing.
Mana Cost:50
Cooldown:4.5 seconds
Unlocked after spending 10 Points.
A melee attack that grants a stack of {Armament} if you hit at least one enemy.
Armament stacks up to 2 times and each stack lasts 3 seconds.
Each stack of {Armament} causes an additional sword to strike a nearby enemy when you use Multistrike.
Mana Cost:0
Cooldown:0 seconds
Unlocked after spending 15 Points.
Smites a target enemy with a bolt of holy fire that descends from the sky, healing allies around the target for 60 health. If you are in the area you are also healed.
Cannot be used without a target.
Mana Cost:3
Cooldown:0 seconds
Unlocked after spending 20 Points.

Void Knight

Erasing Strike
A melee attack that hits all enemies in a large area in front of you. Enemies killed by the hit are erased from existence, replaced by void rifts.
Mana Cost:30
Cooldown:5 seconds
Volatile Reversal
Returns you to the position you were at 2 seconds ago, reverting changes to your current health and mana since then.
Mana Cost:0
Cooldown:24 seconds
Unlocked after spending 5 Points.
Abyssal Echoes
A nova that echoes from up to 8 enemies it reaches and applies abyssal decay. Enemies with abyssal decay take void damage over time for 6 seconds, if they take a hit all the damage from abyssal decay is dealt to them immediately.
Mana Cost:35
Cooldown:3 seconds
Unlocked after spending 10 Points.
Devouring Orb
Creates a devouring orb at the target location that casts a void rift whenever something dies nearby, dealing void damage to enemies around the orb.
Each successive rift has 12% more damage and area of effect, capped at an increase of 120%.
Mana Cost:18
Cooldown:4 seconds
Unlocked after spending 15 Points.
Combo skill that first sends enemies forward in time by 5 seconds. Reactivate the skill to bring those enemies back to your timeline early.
Mana Cost:0
Cooldown:11.99 seconds
Unlocked after spending 30 Points.

Forge Guard

Forge Strike
A melee attack that hits all enemies in an area in front of you.
25% chance on hit to summon a Forged Weapon which lasts for 20 seconds and is affected by the stats and attack rate of your weapon. You can control up to 6 Forged Weapons at once.
Mana Cost:25
Cooldown:4 seconds
Shield Throw
Throws a shield at a target enemy. The shield ricochets to up to 2 additional targets before returning to you.
The cooldown starts when the shield returns to you.
Mana Cost:20
Cooldown:2 seconds
Unlocked after spending 5 Points.
Manifest Armor
Manifests an animated set of heavy armor, which attacks slowly.
Stats granted by your body armor, helmet, gloves and boots also apply to your Manifest Armor.
Mana Cost:60
Cooldown:10 seconds
Unlocked after spending 15 Points.
Ring Of Shields
Manifests a ring of shields around you.
Each shield has 75 base health and lasts up to 10 seconds. Shields draw enemy aggression and block projectiles.
Stats on your equipped shield also apply to the shields created by Ring of Shields
Mana Cost:30
Cooldown:14.99 seconds
Unlocked after spending 30 Points.
Smelter's Wrath
Channel to charge a powerful frontal cone attack, dealing fire and physical damage to all enemies hit. Charging for longer increases its range and power. 2 second maximum charge time.
Your armor is doubled while channelling Smelter's Wrath.
Mana Cost:35
Cooldown:1 seconds
Unlocked after spending 40 Points.


Holy Aura
You and nearby allies passively gain 30% increased damage and +15% additional elemental resistance. Activating Holy Aura doubles the stat bonuses for 4 seconds.
Mana Cost:30
Cooldown:10 seconds
Healing Hands
Heals all allies in a target area for 100 health and applies a lingering warmth which heals 80 health over the next 3 seconds. The lingering warmth cannot stack on the same target.
Mana Cost:11
Cooldown:0 seconds
Unlocked after spending 5 Points.
Sigils Of Hope
Summons a sigil that orbits you, causing you and your allies' attacks and spells to deal 3 additional fire damage and increasing health regeneration by 30%.
You can have up to 3 sigils at a time. Sigils expire after 15 seconds.
Mana Cost:35
Cooldown:0 seconds
Unlocked after spending 15 Points.
A powerful melee attack that leaves an area of {Consecrated Ground} for 4 seconds.
Allies on the {Consecrated Ground} are healed for 50 health each second.
Enemies on Consecrate Ground take fire damage over time that scales with spell damage. Consecrate Ground gains 1 spell damage per 5% increased healing effectiveness.
Mana Cost:15
Cooldown:4 seconds
Unlocked after spending 30 Points.